Monday, June 14, 2010



1. “don’t bother": its just plain bad... if you happen to catch it on TV in a year or so, you may want to consider changing the channel.

2. “wait for DVD": its worth seeing, just not worth spending a lot of money on

3. "check it out for kicks”: I liked it, but I don't know if anyone else will... go see it if you have the time, the money and the inclination

4. “see it if you like the actors/subject matter”: the movie as a whole may not be the best, but it if you like the actors and/or the subject matter of the film, you may want to check it out

5. “definitly see it in the theater”: The movie was pretty good. Worth spending the time and money on to see it in the theater

6. “do whatever you have to: go see it asap!” I LOVED it! A great movie. There is at least one aspect of this movie that is so good, everyone should at lease give it a try.

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